
Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting 12/16

The official grand opening and ribbon cutting of BKS Artisan Ales will be on Saturday 12/16 starting at 12:30. Here is the schedule of events for the day: 12:30pm - Ribbon cutting: Councilman Scott Taylor and representatives from various Kansas City chambers of commerce will be in attendance for the ribbon cutting celebration from 12:30 to 1pm. In 2015, Councilman Taylor, with assistance from Brian and Mary Rooney, helped pass a city ordinance that permits small, neighborhood breweries to operate in business districts instead of industrial zoned...

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Saturdays in December at BKS Artisan Ales

In case you have not heard, BKS Artisan Ales will be open every Saturday starting in December! Thanks to everyone for the support thus far, and we are excited for what we have planned in December. December 2: We will release our collaboration beer with Ballast Point, Juice's Counterculture. It is a Northeast Style IPA with Citra and Mosaic hops, orange zest, two English yeast strains and sacchromyces trois yeast. Starting at 12pm, we will release 200+ 16oz cans of...

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Black Friday Bottle Release and More

The holiday season is upon us, and we partaking in the Black Friday craziness. Here is what we have scheduled for November 24th. Bottle Release from 12 to 1:00pm: We are releasing the first round of our Holiday beer, Pine Tree IPA. This Northeast style IPA tastes like cold pressed Pine Tree juice in a glass. With 100% Chinook hops in the boil and dry hop process, you'll recognize notes of pine needle, conifer sap, and spice. We only have 200 bottles...

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KC Craft Beer Week Events with BKS Artisan Ales

KC Craft Beer Week is November 4th to 12th, and we have a few activities planned. BALLAST POINT TAP TAKEOVER AT BIER STATION: On Wednesday, 11/8, Bier Station will have a Ballast Point tap takeover from 5:30 to 8 p.m. We will be there to support our friends from Ballast Point and fellow brewer, Aaron Justus. COLLABORATION BEER WITH BALLAST POINT: On Friday, 11/10, we are doing a collab brew with Ballast Point. If you haven't heard, the collaboration beer...

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First Tasting Event and Bottle/Can Release

We are excited to announce our first soft opening events! We currently have two events scheduled to get our beer to you. First, we have a ticketed tasting event on Saturday Oct. 21st. The second event is a can and bottle release of five different beers, scheduled for Sunday Oct. 22nd. Tickets for our tasting event on Saturday Oct. 21st will be available for purchase at 8am on Wed. Oct. 18th, here. We have a very limited amount of tickets since we have a...

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It’s Getting Real

It's been some time since our last update, but so much has happened! First off, we are FINALLY licensed and permitted to brew. We want to remind everyone that we are just a two person operation (Brian and Mary Rooney) and it will take us some time to build up enough capacity to open our tasting room for draft pours. While we do have a 3bbl brewing system (produces approx. 90 gallons of beer p/batch / 720 pints per batch),...

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Build-out Nearing Completion and Canned Beer !!

These next few weeks should be pretty exciting ones for us, for a couple of reasons. Our tasting room and walk-in cooler build-out should be completed soon. Secondly, the floors for our brewery will be getting sealed. And finally, we should have power to our space before the month is up. We are attaching in a few glimpses of our space and plan to provide a good look at the entire space and equipment in our next post in June. This first photo...

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New hats, more t-shirts (new color), and another brewery update…

Hello friends! Want to send a HUGE “thank you” to everyone who ordered t-shirts back in Feb. Amazingly enough, we sold out of our entire stock in 4 days!! Can't tell you how much we appreciate everyones support. As mentioned in our previous blog posts, we are a bootstrap operation, so every purchase you make truly does help us bring more beer forward to you and everyone in our neighborhood. (more…)

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One Step Closer To Opening, New Beer Labels, and Branded Apparel Available Now

It has already been a busy 2017 as we continue to prepare for our opening. While we’ve had some delays that have put us back a few months, we hope to be brewing by March. We are very excited about our new brewing system. We will be brewing on a three barrel brewing system from Stout Tanks out of Portland, OR. In addition, we will have three 3 barrel fermenters, three 1 barrel fermenters, additional 1 barrel aging tanks, and...

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Who and what is BKS Artisan Ales ?

Hello to our family, friends, neighbors, and all beer lovers ! As we work towards getting BKS Artisan Ales to opening day, we will begin providing regular blog entries to keep everyone up to date. If it seems like there hasn't been much communication regarding the status of the brewery, some of that is intentional and some of it is for our own sanity (ha ha) ! Everything we do with our brewery is by the bootstraps. My wife (Mary)...

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